#!/bin/bash # This bash script is used to prepare the "package_prusa3d_index.json" # # Supported OS: Windows 10, Linux64 bit # Beta OS: Linux32 bit # # 30, jul 2019, 3d-gussner, Read version from "prusa3dboards.version" file. It reads the 1st line # Get version from prusa3dboards.version file VERSION=$(head -1 prusa3dboards.version|cut -d ' ' -f1) # rename temporaray "prusa3dboards" folder to include version number mv prusa3dboards prusa3dboards-$VERSION # compress prusa3dboards-$VERSION folder tar -cjf prusa3dboards-$VERSION.tar.bz2 prusa3dboards-$VERSION # rename prusa3dboards-$VERSION back to prusa3dboards as it makes follow changes easier in Github, cimmits/blame/history mv prusa3dboards-$VERSION prusa3dboards # get size of the compressed file for JSO SIZE=$(wc -c prusa3dboards-$VERSION.tar.bz2|cut -d ' ' -f1) #get sha256 checksum SHA256=$(sha256sum prusa3dboards-$VERSION.tar.bz2|cut -d ' ' -f1) echo "Version : "$VERSION" to build" echo "" echo "Please don't forget to create new version file prusa3dboards-"$VERSION".MD" sleep 5 echo "Please use following values to edit JSON file" echo "" echo "ArchiveFileName : prusa3dboards-"$VERSION".tar.bz2" echo "SHA256 checksum : "$SHA256 echo "Size : "$SIZE echo "online : prusa3dboards-"$VERSION".MD"