#ifndef SDLPP_HPP_RENDER_OBJECT #define SDLPP_HPP_RENDER_OBJECT #include "sdlpp_common.hpp" #include "sdlpp_collision.hpp" #include "sdlpp_renderer.hpp" #include "sdlpp_texture.hpp" #include "sdlpp_vector.hpp" #include "sdlpp_visitor.hpp" #include #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #else #include "SDL2/SDL_render.h" #endif namespace SDLPP { enum ObjectAlignment { OBJ_START, OBJ_CENTER, OBJ_END, }; class Scene; class SDLPPSCOPE RenderObject { public: RenderObject( const std::shared_ptr< Renderer > &r ) : renderer( r ) {} virtual ~RenderObject() {} virtual void render(); virtual int leftmost() = 0; virtual int topmost() = 0; virtual int rightmost() = 0; virtual int bottommost() = 0; virtual int collisionPushX() = 0; virtual int collisionPushY() = 0; virtual int collisionWidth() = 0; virtual int collisionHeight() = 0; virtual void specialAction( int code ) = 0; virtual std::pair< Vec2D< double >, Vec2D< double > > getDoubleRect() const = 0; virtual void setPos( double x, double y ); virtual void setPos( const std::pair< double, double > &pos ); virtual void setPos( const Vec2D< double > &vec ); virtual Vec2D< double > getPos() const; std::vector< uint64_t > colidesWith( const RenderObject &other ) const; template < class T > void addCollision( const T &p ) { collisions.push_back( std::make_shared< T >( p ) ); collisions.back()->updateCollision( collisionPushX(), collisionPushY(), collisionWidth(), collisionHeight(), getId() ); } template < class T > void addCollision( const std::shared_ptr< T > &p ) { collisions.push_back( p ); collisions.back()->updateCollision( collisionPushX(), collisionPushY(), collisionWidth(), collisionHeight(), getId() ); } bool hasCollisions() const; const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CollisionPolygon > > & getCollisions() const; virtual void setTexture( const std::shared_ptr< Texture > &t, int source_x, int source_y, int source_width, int source_height ); virtual void setTexture( const std::shared_ptr< Texture > &t, const SDL_Rect &source_rect = { -1, -1, -1, -1 } ); virtual void setTexture( const std::string &img_path, int source_x, int source_y, int source_width, int source_height ); virtual void setTexture( const std::string &img_path, const SDL_Rect &source_rect = { -1, -1, -1, -1 } ); virtual void setTexture( Font &font, const std::string &text, const std::string &color = "FFFFFF", const std::string &outline_color = "000000", int outline_size = -1 ); virtual void setColor( const std::string &color ) = 0; virtual void setOutlineColor( const std::string &color ) = 0; virtual void unsetTexture(); virtual void unsetColor(); // per second, relative to window width void setMovementSpeed( double speed ); void addMovement( double x, double y ); void setMovement( double x, double y ); Vec2D< double > getMovement(); void resetMovementX(); void resetMovementY(); void clearColided(); void addColided( std::shared_ptr< RenderObject > &obj ); std::vector< std::shared_ptr< RenderObject > > &getColidedWith(); void setId( uint64_t input_id ); uint64_t getId() const; void setHidden( bool hid ); bool getHidden() const; void destroy(); bool getKilled(); void setColiderColor( const std::string &color ); virtual void move( int ticks ); virtual void custom_move( int ticks ) = 0; virtual void updateSizeAndPosition() = 0; virtual void updateXY(); virtual SDL_Rect getRect() = 0; void setPermanent( bool perm = true ); bool getPermanent() const; virtual std::shared_ptr< RenderObject > copySelf() = 0; bool isStatic(); void setStatic( bool stat = true ); std::shared_ptr< Renderer > getRenderer() const; void setTextureAlpha( uint8_t alpha ); void setTextureSourceRect( const SDL_Rect &source_rect ); void setTextureSourceRect( int x, int y, int w, int h ); void setAnimationFrames( const std::vector< SDL_Rect > &frames ); void addAnimationFrame( const SDL_Rect &frame ); void addAnimationFrame( const int x, const int y, const int w, const int h ); void setAnimationSpeed( const double fps ); void pauseAnimation(); void resumeAnimation(); void removeAnimation(); void animate( int ticks ); virtual void visit( Visitor &visitor ); void setAlignment( ObjectAlignment horizontal, ObjectAlignment vertical ); void flipHorizontally(); void flipVertically(); void setRotationCenter( const Vec2D< double > ¢er ); void rotateClockwise( int angle ); void rotateCounterClockwise( int angle ); protected: virtual void copyTo( std::shared_ptr< RenderObject > other ); bool entireTexture(); std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CollisionPolygon > > collisions; std::shared_ptr< Texture > texture; std::shared_ptr< Texture > cur_texture; std::shared_ptr< Renderer > renderer; std::shared_ptr< CollisionPolygon > polygon; double movementSpeed = 0; Vec2D< double > movementDirection = { 0, 0 }; std::vector< std::shared_ptr< RenderObject > > colidedWith; virtual Vec2D< double > computeAlignmentAdditions(); uint64_t id = -1; bool hidden = false; bool kill = false; SDL_Color colider_color = { 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }; uint64_t scene_id = -1; bool permanent = false; bool is_static = true; bool centerx = false; SDL_Rect rect; SDL_Rect src_rect = { -1, -1, -1, -1 }; size_t animation_index = 0; size_t animation_fps = 1; int animation_next_frame = 1000; int animation_next_frame_base = 0; std::vector< SDL_Rect > animation{}; bool animating = true; SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE; Vec2D< double > rotation_center = { -1, -1 }; SDL_Point rotation_center_point; int rotation_angle = 0; private: friend Scene; void setSceneID( int id ); protected: Vec2D< double > original; Vec2D< double > current; ObjectAlignment _horizontal = OBJ_START; ObjectAlignment _vertical = OBJ_START; }; } // end of namespace SDLPP #endif