.TH river-shifttags 1 2021-10-24 "General Commands Manual" . .SH NAME .P river-shifttags \- a shifttags utility for the river Wayland compositor. . . .SH SYNOPSIS .SY river-shifttags .OP \-\-shifts value .OP \-\-num-tags value .OP \-\-start value .YS . .SY river-shifttags .OP \-\-help .YS . . .SH DESCRIPTION .P A utility for the river Wayland compositor that will rotate the currently focused tags. . . .SH OPTIONS .P \fB--help\fR .RS Print help text and exit. .RE . .P \fB--shifts\fR \fIvalue\fR .RS Number of shifts. A positive integer \fIn\fR will rotate the river tags \fIn\fR times to the right. A negative integer will rotate river tags to the left. (Default is 1). .RE . .P \fB--num-tags\fR \fIvalue\fR .RS Amount of used tags. This configured how many of river's 32 tags you are interested in, starting at the beginning. river-shifttags will not rotate the tags outside this range. \fIvalue\fR must be an integer between 1 and 32. (Default is 9). .RE . .P \fB--start\fR \fIsize\fR .RS This configures the first tag in the output to rotate from. \fIsize\fR must be an integer between 0 and 31. (Default is 0). .SH EXAMPLE .P For mapping Super + '[' and ']' keys to cycle to left and right tags: .P .RS .EX riverctl map normal Mod4 BRACKETRIGHT spawn 'river-shifttags' riverctl map normal Mod4 BRACKETLEFT spawn 'river-shifttags --shifts -1' .EE .RE . . .SH SEE ALSO .BR river (1)