#pragma comment( linker, "\"/manifestdependency:type='win32' \ name='Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls' version='' \ processorArchitecture='*' publicKeyToken='6595b64144ccf1df' language='*'\"" ) #include "mainwindow.hpp" #include "../filesystem.hpp" #include "../functions.hpp" #include "../resources_windows.h" #include "../tv_rename.hpp" #include "databasewindow.hpp" #include "gui_functions.hpp" #include "patternwindow.hpp" #include "progresswindow.hpp" #include "searchwindow.hpp" #include "seasonwindow.hpp" #include #include #define API_KEY "42B66F5E-C6BF-423F-ADF9-CC97163472F6" #define ID_SHOW_STATIC 0x0001 #define ID_LANGUAGE_STATIC 0x0002 #define ID_DIR_STATIC 0x0003 #define ID_PATTERN_STATIC 0x0004 #define ID_POSSIBLE_STATIC 0x0005 #define ID_SHOW_EDIT 0x1000 #define ID_LANGUAGE_COMBO 0x1001 #define ID_DIR_EDIT 0x1002 #define ID_DIR_BUTTON 0x1003 #define ID_PATTERN_EDIT 0x1004 #define ID_PATTERN_BUTTON 0x1005 #define ID_PROCESS_BUTTON 0x1006 #define ID_RENAME_CHECKBOX 0x1007 #define ID_SHOW_COMBO 0x1008 #define ID_RENAME_BUTTON 0x1009 #define ID_QUIT_BUTTON 0x100a #define ID_DVD_CHECKBOX 0x100b #define ID_DB_ADD_BUTTON 0x100c #define MENU_FILE_EXIT 0x2000 #define MENU_DAT_UPDATE 0x2001 #define MENU_DAT_REFRESH 0x2002 #define MENU_DAT_CLEAN 0x2003 #define MENU_DAT_MANAGE 0x2004 #define MENU_DAT_PATTERN 0x2005 MainWindow *MainWindow::mw = nullptr; MainWindow::MainWindow( HINSTANCE hInstance, int nCmdShow ) : hInst( hInstance ) { window = CreateWindowW( L"MainWindow", L"TV Rename", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW ^ WS_THICKFRAME | WS_VISIBLE, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, window_width, window_height, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL ); ShowWindow( window, nCmdShow ); hFont = ( HFONT )GetStockObject( DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ); setIcons( hInstance, window ); authenticate( API_KEY ); languages = getLangs(); std::wstring label = _( SHOW ); label += L":"; createLabel( label.c_str(), 5, 5, 30, 15, ID_SHOW_STATIC, window, hFont ); label = _( ID_LANGUAGE ); label += L":"; createLabel( label.c_str(), 170, 5, 55, 15, ID_LANGUAGE_STATIC, window, hFont ); label = _( DIRECTORY ); label += L":"; createLabel( label.c_str(), 5, 45, 65, 15, ID_DIR_STATIC, window, hFont ); label = _( PATTERN ); label += L":"; createLabel( label.c_str(), 5, 85, 55, 15, ID_PATTERN_STATIC, window, hFont ); label = _( POSSIBLE_SHOWS ); label += L":"; possible_label = createLabel( label.c_str(), 5, 190, 100, 15, ID_POSSIBLE_STATIC, window, hFont ); show_input = createEditBox( 5, 20, 160, 20, ID_SHOW_EDIT, window, hFont ); language_input = createCombo( 170, 20, 160, 250, ID_LANGUAGE_COMBO, window, hFont ); for ( auto &x : languages ) { addItemToCombo( language_input, x.second.c_str() ); } SendMessage( language_input, CB_SETCURSEL, langPos( L"en" ), NULL ); dir_input = createEditBox( 5, 60, 160, 20, ID_DIR_EDIT, window, hFont ); createButton( _( CHOOSE_DIR ), 170, 60, 80, 25, ID_DIR_BUTTON, window, hFont ); pattern_input = createEditBox( 5, 100, 160, 20, ID_PATTERN_EDIT, window, hFont ); createButton( _( PATTERN_HELP ), 170, 100, 80, 25, ID_PATTERN_BUTTON, window, hFont ); createButton( _( PROCESS ), 5, 140, 80, 25, ID_PROCESS_BUTTON, window, hFont ); trust_input = createCheckbox( _( DONT_RENAME_CONFIRM ), 90, 146, 180, 12, ID_RENAME_CHECKBOX, window, hFont ); dvd_input = createCheckbox( _( USE_DVD ), 5, 170, 180, 12, ID_DVD_CHECKBOX, window, hFont ); possible_input = createCombo( 5, 205, 160, window_height - 220, ID_SHOW_COMBO, window, hFont ); rename_button = createButton( _( RENAME ), 5, 230, 80, 25, ID_RENAME_BUTTON, window, hFont ); db_add_button = createButton( _( ADD_TO_DB ), 90, 230, 80, 25, ID_DB_ADD_BUTTON, window, hFont ); createButton( _( QUIT ), window_width - 100, window_height - 88, 80, 25, ID_QUIT_BUTTON, window, hFont ); // MENUS HMENU hMenuBar = CreateMenu(); HMENU hMenuFile = CreateMenu(); HMENU hMenuDatabase = CreateMenu(); AppendMenuW( hMenuFile, MF_STRING, MENU_FILE_EXIT, _( EXIT ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuDatabase, MF_STRING, MENU_DAT_UPDATE, _( UPDATE_DB ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuDatabase, MF_STRING, MENU_DAT_REFRESH, _( REFRESH_DB ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuDatabase, MF_STRING, MENU_DAT_CLEAN, _( CLEAN_DB ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuDatabase, MF_STRING, MENU_DAT_MANAGE, _( MANAGE_DB ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuDatabase, MF_STRING, MENU_DAT_PATTERN, _( CHANGE_DB_PATTERN ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuBar, MF_POPUP, ( UINT_PTR )hMenuFile, _( ID_FILE ) ); AppendMenuW( hMenuBar, MF_POPUP, ( UINT_PTR )hMenuDatabase, _( DATABASE_MENU ) ); SetMenu( window, hMenuBar ); INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX icex; // Structure for control initialization. icex.dwICC = ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES; icex.dwSize = sizeof( icex ); InitCommonControlsEx( &icex ); auto appdata = userHome() + L"\\tv_rename"; if ( !FSLib::isDirectory( appdata ) ) { // create the directory so pattern can be stored when changed CreateDirectory( appdata.c_str(), NULL ); } else { readDefaultPattern( appdata ); } SendMessage( pattern_input, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, ( LPARAM )default_pattern.c_str() ); ShowWindow( possible_label, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( possible_input, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( rename_button, SW_HIDE ); ShowWindow( db_add_button, SW_HIDE ); UpdateWindow( window ); } LRESULT CALLBACK MainWindow::messageHandler( HWND hwnd, UINT umsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( umsg ) { case WM_CREATE: centerWindow( hwnd ); break; case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD( wParam ) ) { case ID_QUIT_BUTTON: case MENU_FILE_EXIT: SendMessage( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0 ); break; case ID_PROCESS_BUTTON: mw->process(); break; case ID_DIR_BUTTON: SendMessage( mw->dir_input, WM_SETTEXT, NULL, ( LPARAM )getDir().c_str() ); break; case MENU_DAT_UPDATE: dbUpdate(); break; case MENU_DAT_REFRESH: dbRefresh(); break; case MENU_DAT_CLEAN: dbClean(); break; case MENU_DAT_MANAGE: dbManage(); break; case MENU_DAT_PATTERN: dbPattern(); break; case ID_PATTERN_BUTTON: patternHelp(); break; case ID_RENAME_BUTTON: mw->rename(); break; case ID_DB_ADD_BUTTON: mw->dbAdd(); break; } break; case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage( 0 ); break; } return DefWindowProcW( hwnd, umsg, wParam, lParam ); } void MainWindow::mainLoop() { MSG msg; while ( GetMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0 ) ) { if ( !IsDialogMessage( window, &msg ) ) { TranslateMessage( &msg ); mw = this; DispatchMessage( &msg ); } } } int MainWindow::langPos( const std::wstring &lang ) { for ( unsigned long long i = 0; i < languages.size(); i++ ) { if ( languages[i].first == lang ) return i; } return -1; } void MainWindow::readDefaultPattern( const std::wstring &base_dir ) { std::wifstream file( base_dir + L"\\pattern" ); if ( file ) { std::getline( file, default_pattern ); } } void MainWindow::process() { wchar_t show[256]; SendMessage( show_input, WM_GETTEXT, ( WPARAM )255, ( LPARAM )show ); if ( show[0] == '\0' ) { MessageBox( window, _( SHOW_FIELD_EMPTY ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } auto index = SendMessage( language_input, CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL ); auto lang_code = languages[index].first; possible_shows = searchShow( show, lang_code ); if ( possible_shows.size() == 0 ) { MessageBox( window, _( NO_RESULTS ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } SendMessage( possible_input, CB_RESETCONTENT, NULL, NULL ); for ( const auto &x : possible_shows ) { SendMessage( possible_input, CB_ADDSTRING, NULL, ( LPARAM )x.first.c_str() ); } SendMessage( possible_input, CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); ShowWindow( mw->possible_label, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( mw->possible_input, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( mw->rename_button, SW_SHOW ); ShowWindow( mw->db_add_button, SW_SHOW ); } void MainWindow::rename() { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; SendMessage( dir_input, WM_GETTEXT, ( WPARAM )MAX_PATH - 1, ( LPARAM )path ); if ( path[0] == '\0' ) { MessageBox( window, _( DIR_EMPTY ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } if ( !FSLib::isDirectory( path ) ) { MessageBox( window, _( DIR_NOT_EXIST ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } selected.clear(); files.clear(); std::vector< int > options{}; iterateFS( files, path ); for ( auto &x : files ) { options.push_back( x.first ); } SeasonWindow sw( hInst, options, selected, window ); sw.mainLoop(); auto index = SendMessage( possible_input, CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL ); auto show = possible_shows[index].first; auto show_id = possible_shows[index].second; index = SendMessage( language_input, CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL ); auto lang = languages[index].first; bool dvd = SendMessage( dvd_input, BM_GETCHECK, NULL, NULL ) == BST_CHECKED; bool trust = SendMessage( trust_input, BM_GETCHECK, NULL, NULL ) == BST_CHECKED; wchar_t input_pattern_wchar[MAX_PATH]; SendMessage( pattern_input, WM_GETTEXT, ( WPARAM )MAX_PATH, ( LPARAM )input_pattern_wchar ); if ( wcscmp( input_pattern_wchar, default_pattern.c_str() ) ) { std::wofstream file( userHome() + L"\\tv_rename\\pattern" ); if ( file ) { file << input_pattern_wchar; } } std::wstring input_pattern = input_pattern_wchar; for ( auto &season : selected ) { auto renamed_files = getRenamedFiles( show, season, show_id, lang, ( input_pattern.empty() ? default_pattern : input_pattern ), false, files[season], dvd ); if ( renamed_files.empty() ) { continue; } if ( trust ) { renameFiles( renamed_files ); continue; } std::wstring message_text; for ( auto &file : renamed_files ) { message_text += std::get< 2 >( file ) + L" --> " + std::get< 3 >( file ) + L"\n"; } auto res = MessageBox( window, message_text.c_str(), _( CONFIRMATION ), MB_OKCANCEL ); if ( res == IDOK ) renameFiles( renamed_files ); } } void MainWindow::dbAdd() { wchar_t path[MAX_PATH]; SendMessage( dir_input, WM_GETTEXT, ( WPARAM )MAX_PATH - 1, ( LPARAM )path ); if ( wcslen( path ) == 0 ) { MessageBox( window, _( DIR_EMPTY ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } if ( !FSLib::isDirectory( path ) ) { MessageBox( window, _( DIR_NOT_EXIST ), _( ERROR ), MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); return; } auto index = SendMessage( possible_input, CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL ); auto show = possible_shows[index].first; auto show_id = possible_shows[index].second; index = SendMessage( language_input, CB_GETCURSEL, NULL, NULL ); auto lang = languages[index].first; bool dvd = SendMessage( dvd_input, BM_GETCHECK, NULL, NULL ) == BST_CHECKED; ProgressWindow pw( hInst, window ); std::thread t( addToDB, std::move( show ), path, std::move( lang ), std::move( show_id ), getDBPattern(), false, dvd, pw.getWindow() ); t.detach(); pw.mainLoop(); return; } void MainWindow::dbUpdate() { ProgressWindow pw( mw->hInst, mw->window ); std::thread t( updateDB, false, pw.getWindow() ); t.detach(); pw.mainLoop(); } void MainWindow::dbRefresh() { ProgressWindow pw( mw->hInst, mw->window ); std::thread t( refreshDB, false, pw.getWindow() ); t.detach(); pw.mainLoop(); } void MainWindow::dbClean() { ProgressWindow pw( mw->hInst, mw->window ); std::thread t( cleanDB, pw.getWindow() ); t.detach(); pw.mainLoop(); } void MainWindow::dbManage() { DatabaseWindow dw( mw->hInst, mw->languages, mw->window ); dw.mainLoop(); } void MainWindow::dbPattern() { auto pattern = getDBPattern(); PatternWindow pw( mw->hInst, pattern.c_str(), mw->window ); pw.mainLoop(); if ( pw.accepted() ) changeDBPattern( pw.getPattern() ); return; } void MainWindow::patternHelp() { std::wstring text = L"%filename - "; text += _( PATTERN_FILENAME ); text += L"\n\n%show - "; text += _( PATTERN_SHOW ); text += L"\n\n%epname - "; text += _( PATTERN_EPNAME ); text += L"\n\n%season - "; text += _( PATTERN_SEASON ); text += L"\n\n%episode - "; text += _( PATTERN_EPISODE ); text += L"\n\n"; text += _( PATTERN_LEADING_ZERO ); text += L"\n\n"; text += L" %2season, %2episode - "; text += _( PATTERN_LEADING_NUM ); text += L"\n"; text += _( PATTERN_DEFAULT ); text += L" \"%filename - %epname\""; text += _( PATTERN_CHANGE ); text += L" \"S%2seasonE%2episode - %epname\" "; text += _( OR ); text += L" \"%show - S%2seasonE%2episode - %epname\""; MessageBoxW( NULL, text.c_str(), _( PATTERN_HELP ), MB_OK ); return; }