#include #include #include "functions.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "filesystem.hpp" void singleSeason( const std::string &path, const std::string &show, int season, std::string url ); void multipleSeasons( const std::string &path, const std::string &show, const std::set seasons ); void allSeasons( const std::string &path, const std::string &show ); std::string language{"en"}; bool trust{false}; bool linux{false}; Curl c; int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::map languages{ {"en", "English"}, {"sv", "Svenska"}, {"no", "Norsk"}, {"da", "Dansk"}, {"fi", "Suomeksi"}, {"nl", "Nederlands"}, {"de", "Deutsch"}, {"it", "Italiano"}, {"es", "Español"}, {"fr", "Français"}, {"pl", "Polski"}, {"hu", "Magyar"}, {"el", "Greek"}, {"tr", "Turkish"}, {"ru", "Russian"}, {"he", "Hebrew"}, {"ja", "Japanese"}, {"pt", "Portuguese"}, {"zh", "Chinese"}, {"cs", "Czech"}, {"sl", "Slovenian"}, {"hr", "Croatian"}, {"ko","Korea"} }; std::string show{}; std::string seasons{""}; std::set seasons_num; std::string path{"."}; bool change_dir{true}; int x = 1; while ( x < argc ) { if( !(strcmp("-s", argv[x]) && strcmp("--show", argv[x])) ) { show = argv[x+1]; x++; } else if ( !(strcmp("-n", argv[x]) && strcmp("--season", argv[x])) ) { size_t pos{0}; while((argv[x+1][pos] < '0' || argv[x+1][pos] > '9') && argv[x+1][pos] != ' ') pos++; seasons = std::string(&argv[x+1][pos]); x++; } else if ( !(strcmp("-c", argv[x]) && strcmp("--correct-path", argv[x])) ) { change_dir = false; } else if ( !(strcmp("-sp", argv[x]) && strcmp("--show-path", argv[x])) ) { path = std::string(argv[x+1]); x++; if( !FSLib::isDirectory(path) ) change_dir = true; } else if ( !(strcmp("-t", argv[x]) && strcmp("--trust", argv[x])) ) { trust = true; } else if ( !(strcmp("-x", argv[x]) && strcmp("--linux", argv[x])) ) { linux = true; } else if ( !(strcmp("-l", argv[x]) && strcmp("--lang", argv[x])) ) { if( languages.find(argv[x+1]) != languages.end() ) { language = argv[x+1]; } else { std::cerr << "Invalid language choice" << std::endl; return 1; } x++; } else if ( !(strcmp("-p", argv[x]) && strcmp("--print-langs", argv[x])) ) { for( const auto &x : languages ) { std::cout << x.first << " - " << x.second << std::endl; } return 0; } else if ( !(strcmp("-h", argv[x]) && strcmp("--help", argv[x])) ) { printHelp(); return 0; } x++; } while( change_dir ) { if( !FSLib::isDirectory(path) ) { std::cout << "This directory doesn't exist, please insert a correct path: " << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, path); continue; } std::cout << "Is this the right directory? " << FSLib::canonical(path) << std::endl; std::string response; std::cin >> response; std::cin.ignore(1,'\n'); std::cin.clear(); if ( response[0] == 'y' || response[0] == 'Y' ) { change_dir = false; } else { std::cout << "Insert correct path:" << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, path); } } if( show.empty() ) { auto pos = show.find_last_of('/'); if( pos != std::string::npos ) show = show.substr(++pos); std::cout << "Is this the right show name? " << show << std::endl; std::string response; std::cin >> response; std::cin.ignore(1, '\n'); std::cin.clear(); if( response[0] != 'y' && response[0] != 'Y' ) { std::cout << "Insert the correct show name: " << std::endl; std::getline(std::cin, show); } } if( !seasons.empty() ) { int temp; std::istringstream iss(seasons); while(iss >> temp) { seasons_num.insert(temp); } if( seasons_num.size() == 1 ) { singleSeason(path, show, temp, ""); } else { multipleSeasons(path, show, seasons_num); } } else { allSeasons(path, show); } } void singleSeason( const std::string &path, const std::string &show, int season, std::string url) { if( url.empty() ) url = getDefUrl(show, language, c); url += "/seasons/"; url += std::to_string(season); //get source code of season's page auto season_code = c.execute(url); //remove newlines season_code.erase(std::remove_if(season_code.begin(), season_code.end(), [](char x) {return x == '\r' || x == '\n';}), season_code.end()); //first 900 chars or so are useless to us season_code = season_code.substr(900); //get only the episode names auto pos = season_code.find("\"translations\""); if( pos != std::string::npos ) { season_code = season_code.substr(pos); pos = season_code.find("table"); if( pos != std::string::npos ) season_code = season_code.substr(0,pos); else return; } else { return; } std::regex title(".*\\s*(.*?)\\s*?.*"); std::regex episode_link(".*?"); std::smatch ep_match; std::vector episodes; //get episode names in all languages for( std::sregex_iterator it(season_code.begin(), season_code.end(), episode_link); it != std::sregex_iterator(); ++it) { auto input = (*it).str(); //only get the selected language if( std::regex_search( input, title ) ) episodes.push_back(std::regex_replace(input, title, "$1")); } if( episodes.empty() ) return; std::set files; std::set renamed_files; std::vector renamed_episodes; renamed_episodes.resize(episodes.size()); findSeason(files, season, path); if( files.empty() ) return; for( const auto &x : files ) { auto last = x.find_last_of("/"); std::string name; std::string dir; if( last == static_cast(-1) ) { name = x; dir = "."; } else { name = x.substr(last+1); dir = x.substr(0, last); } unsigned long num; try { num = std::stoi(std::regex_replace(name, std::regex(".*[sS][0]{0,2000}" + std::to_string(season) + "[eE]([0-9]{1,2000}).*"), "$1")); } catch (std::exception &e) { continue; } num -= 1; if( num < episodes.size() ) { auto pos = name.find_last_of('.'); name.insert(pos, " - " + episodes[num]); if( !linux ) { name = std::regex_replace(name, std::regex("[\\?\"\\\\|\\*]"), ""); name = std::regex_replace(name, std::regex("<"), "is less than"); name = std::regex_replace(name, std::regex(">"), "is more than"); name = std::regex_replace(name, std::regex(":"), " -"); } renamed_files.insert(dir + "/" + name); renamed_episodes[num] = name; } } auto orig = files.begin(); for(auto renamed = renamed_files.begin(); renamed != renamed_files.end(); ++renamed) { std::cout << *renamed << std::endl; ++orig; } if( !trust ) { std::cout << "Does this seem ok? (y/n) "; std::string response; std::cin >> response; std::cin.clear(); std::cin.ignore(1, '\n'); if( response[0] != 'y' && response[0] != 'Y' ) return; } orig = files.begin(); for(auto renamed = renamed_files.begin(); renamed != renamed_files.end(); ++renamed) { FSLib::rename(*orig, *renamed); ++orig; } } void multipleSeasons( const std::string &path, const std::string &show, const std::set seasons) { auto url = getDefUrl(show, language, c); for( const auto &x : seasons ) { singleSeason( path, show, x, url); } } void allSeasons( const std::string &path, const std::string &show) { std::set seasons; //get all season number from this directory and subdirectories iterateFS(seasons, path); multipleSeasons( path, show, seasons); }